Saturday, July 19, 2014

Celebrate Others - Happy Birthday PoPs! (VIDEO)

It is sad to say my husband and I been married for 16 years and this was our first time being able to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday. We are thankful to say it had nothing to do with conflict, but more of us not taking the time. He visited us this weekend so we decided to give him a surprise birthday party with only his family.  We were so excited about showing him how much we love and care for him with this small gesture. His response allowed us to see his appreciation for his surprise party. He said thank you multiple times and give out big hugs to everyone. The big smile on his face was the decoration for his party. He said to everyone "You all Love your Papa!" This made my heart beat faster due to the joy I felt hearing say those words, because one of my greatest desire in life is to show others pure love and show what it means to care with actions. Plus seeing my husband so excited for being able to celebrate his father's birthday caused me to feel happy and help make it happen.

You know I have to give words of encouragement. Whenever you get the chance to celebrate someone please do so. Never ignore the birth of others. Find time to celebrate your love ones' accomplishments. Take steps to show that you care with no expectations. Don't give to fill voids, to receive something back, or to control, but give because you care and love. Please enjoy this happy moment with my family!! Happy Birthday Pops!!


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